The 175 year heritage of "Catoni Maritime Agencies" represented today by Jonathan Beard as the sixth generation carrying forth this history lies, in fact, in the story of three prominent Levantine families, namely the Belfante from France, the Catoni from Italy, the Beard from Scotland and their joining of forces within the field of shipping and trade in the port city of Iskenderun, on the Mediterranean coast of Turkey in the mid 1800’s.
Joseph Catoni & Company starts its operations within the region, the family represents the crown as consuls and operates as an agency for British shipping interests,
Joseph Catoni & Company is nominated as Lloyds of London sole agents.

With evermore growing business prospects Joseph Catoni & Company expand their presence throughout Syria, Lebanon, Palestine and from Aqaba to Jordan.
At the same time the French Belfante shipping family business commences its operations as the sole agents of Messagerie Maritimes.
Charles Belfante and Joseph Catoni form a partnership by the name of Belfante & Catoni.
Joseph Catoni passes the chairmanship to his son Augustine Catoni whom will develop the operations throughout the Levant and beyond,
A partnership between P&O, Shaw Saville, Moss Hutchinson, Prince Lines, Ellerman Lines, Manchester Liners and Catoni Co. allows for the creation of the British Maritime Agencies, and a further partnership with American Export Lines, Llykes Lines and Isbranson Lines in turn expands services into the Americas.
Joseph Catoni & Company official name is changed and Catoni Maritime Agencies (CMA) is formed with its head office in Istanbul and further offices in Mersin and Izmir .
Partnership with NYK Lines allows for CMA to expand its services into the Far East and Japan.
Augustine Catoni passes away leaving the seat to Hugh Beard, brother of Norah Catoni née Beard.
CMA is one of the eight founding members of the Multiport Agency Network.
Hugh Beard passes away, his wife Elizabeth Beard becomes Chairwoman. CMA celebrates its centenary as Lloyds agents and as the representatives of the Institute of London underwriters namely The Salvage Association in London.
CMA acquires the Saybolt franchise partnership and establishes the leading Petroleum Inspection Laboratory in the region.
The Catoni Group of Companies celebrates its 100 year century with the Ottoman Bank of Turkey.
Jonathan Beard is elected Chairman and introduces The Millennium Regional Corporate Strategy for The Catoni Group of Companies, opening further offices in the Black sea countries and the Caspian.
CMA is awarded the agency representation of P&O Containers, NSCSA, Maruba, CSAV, Hamburg Sud and a number of others.
Catoni Interlink is formed as the stevedoring, warehousing, distribution company of CMA operating in the state owned terminals. Catoni Chartering is formed in Malta.
Jonathan Beard is elected to the ICC Commission for Customs and Trade, the Chairman to the British Chambers of Commerce and Deputy Chairman of Multiport.
The Catoni Group of Companies celebrate its 150th anniversary and B&C Global Investments UK ltd, the Holding company is established.
Establishment of Catoni Energy Logistics Division providing shore base logistics services.
The Catoni Group Of Companies Millennium statement is published , the groups new operating region becomes officially Turkey and the Black sea only, all offices in the Middle East are closed.
Catoni Energy and Project Logistics is formed to provide services for Exploration and Production for Oil and Gas in Turkey, Bulgaria and Romania.
CMA is appointed agents for Hapag-Lloyd and Hamburg-Sud shipping companies for the Caucasus region. A strategic and commercial management decision gives way to the formation of Catoni Air and Sea.
The LCL-TR joint venture is established.
CMA celebrates fifty years with NYK Line general lines in Turkey.
Acquisition of Catoni Persa by Saybolt.
The Catoni Group of Companies core activities are revised and the Fourth Five year Strategic Business Direction is introduced.
Establishment of a JV with Rhenus-Logistics for Port Logistics and Ship Management.
Strategic alliance with ASCO to accelerate the further growth in Exploration and Production for Oil and Gas in Turkey, Bulgaria and Romania.
Nomination of NileDutch for the Liner Agency in Turkey and Black Sea region.
Catoni Iraq office is opened bringing the expansion to 11 active Catoni offices within the region.
The Catoni Group of Companies Corporate restructure first phase completed,
The Catoni Group of Companies moves to new head office on the commercial centre of Istanbul.